How Egypt’s leading alcoholic beverage store improved its local search visibility year on year

Drinkies Main Logo
  • Company Name: Drinkies
  • Industry: Food & Beverage


Increase click to navigate (store visits)
increase in total customer actions (Clicks)
increase in website visits
Increase in calls


Since 1998, Drinkies has been Egypt's leading alcoholic beverage store and the official retail chain and online seller of Al Ahram Beverages - Heineken Egypt. Offering a wide range of beer, fine wine, and spirits, Drinkies ensures convenience with delivery straight to your doorstep. Committed to customer satisfaction, their dedicated staff constantly seek new ways to enhance service.
About img

The Challenge

To get maximum visibility for all brand locations in Egypt

Drinkies, Egypt's premier alcoholic beverage store, grappled with maintaining a consistent and optimized digital presence across various platforms. Managing the accuracy of business listings, ensuring up-to-date information, and handling customer reviews posed significant challenges. Unauthorized changes to their listings further complicated their efforts to sustain visibility. Additionally, Drinkies needed to streamline their delivery services and enhance customer convenience, requiring a comprehensive digital strategy to attract new customers and retain loyalty among existing ones. Ensuring seamless interaction between their physical stores and digital footprint was crucial for their continued success.

The Solution

Enhancing Drinkies' Digital Presence through Local SEO

Before optimizing Drinkies’ business listings, Local Knowledge needed to accurately assess their local search visibility. This informed the strategy and set benchmarks for measuring success.

Using advanced local SEO tools, Local Knowledge tracked local rankings for every Drinkies location, pinpointing areas needing improvement. They targeted locations just outside the top 3 on Google Maps and used citation building services to create new listings and improve rankings.

By identifying relevant, high-authority listing sites, Local Knowledge submitted accurate information, rapidly enhancing Drinkies’ online presence. They also cleaned up inaccurate existing listings and duplicates, boosting local search rankings and ensuring consistent, reliable information for customers.

The Results

Significant Improvement in Digital Presence and Customer Engagement

The implementation of Local Knowledge’s digital location management strategy for Drinkies led to substantial improvements in their digital presence and customer engagement. Key performance metrics demonstrated year-on-year growth from 2022 to 2023:

  • Total Impressions: Increased by 30%, from 2,291,534 in 2022 to 3,286,836 in 2023.
  • Total Clicks: Grew by 33%, from 199,067 to 297,861.
  • Calls: Rose by 50%, from 58,481 to 86,304.
  • Directions: Increased by 47%, from 135,088 to 202,761.
  • Website Visits: Saw a 60% rise, from 5,412 to 8,675.

The comprehensive approach included tracking local rankings, optimizing and creating new business listings, and managing customer reviews. This led to a 96% mobile search audience and a notable increase in positive reviews and sentiment.

Despite some seasonal fluctuations, with a peak in December 2023, the overall growth in all metrics underscored the effectiveness of the strategy. Customer actions, particularly click-to-directions, accounted for 65% of overall interactions, highlighting the enhanced convenience and visibility achieved through the campaign.

Ready to Boost Your Local Visibility?

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